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Notices (Replacement of LostCertificates)
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate  Time:2024/6/5
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate  Time:2024/2/23
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate  Time:2023/11/17
Notice of Intention to Issue New Share Certificate

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MPM      NXT     
XPF      XP-243     
NS-1000      ES-800     
TOPCI      ALD-H-600     
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X-RAY      Other     
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Confidence Intelligence Holdings Limited
Address: Building 7, New Development Zone, Baishixia East District, Fuyong Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen
Tel:86 - 0755 - 27308407
Fax:86 - 0755 - 27308634
Copyright © 2014-2019  Confidence Intelligence Holdings Limited    ICP:19104941-1
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